An Update, A Message, and A Thank!

(commission)Regalia of God King II by markolios

Good day,

Mighty Action X here,

First of all, Chapter 1 of Volume 8 is published and I’m aiming for a change of pace which is shorter but more chapters per volume so that through this, the updating of new chapters will be more frequent while the length per volume will remain the same.

Second, I would like to invite you guys to my fanfiction works at I have 4 stories there so far, 3 completed and one ongoing. My debut in online writing started there and the supports too of my readers there is what keeps me going in writing despite the taxing demand of my daily life.

Thirdly, I would like to thank [BlackRazaras], [Gabriel Sontag], and [James Beckman] for continuously supporting me in Patreon. The amount I earned from them through the previous year helped me a lot while I was waiting for our job re-contract. Thank you so much for your never-ending support.

Lastly and most importantly, to all of you out there that support this blog and my works, stay safe during this Covid-19 pandemic. Stay at home and strictly follow the quarantine guidelines.

As to my fellow professionals in the medical field, take care and protect yourselves as much as you care for your patients. Securing our safety is what will also secure the safety of those that rely to us.

Again, to all of you, enjoy and stay safe.

~Mighty Action X

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